Preferably order your tickets online. Our ticket office can also be contacted by mail ( or phone (011 22 99 33).   


Would you like one or more extra tickets for a particular performance? That is possible, indicate those per price category in the columns 'basic' or '- 25'.


parking 'behind CCHA'
Parking spaces for people with health conditions or impairments are available at the rear entrance. 

The concert and theaterhall, doors and elevators are adapted for persons in wheelchairs. The staff is more than happy to escort you to your seat. In the small theaterhall, a new platform has been set up for wheelchair users. Companions receive a free ticket upon presentation of their companion pass. However it is required to book in advance. 

audio induction loop
The CCHA concert and theaterhall is equipped with a audio induction loop for the hearing impaired. People with a hearing aid with a T-position can use this. At the reception desk, upon presentation of your identity card, some receiving devices are available for people without hearing aids or with hearing aids without T-position. Please note: this loop system does not work for performances ‘stage-on-stage’. The other theatre halls in CCHA and the halls on location are not equipped with a loop system.

guide dogs
We welcome people with limited or poor vision and their guide dogs. Please contact our ticket office (via or 011 22 99 33) in advance for practical arrangements.

sound standards
In accordance with the regulations regarding electronically amplified (music) activities, Krokusfestival works with a class 2 measuring device, in the concert and theaterhall as well as the small theaterhall, that permanently measures and records the sound pressure in the room. Krokusfestival also provides earplugs to the audience.



cultuurcentrum Hasselt / CCHA
Kunstlaan 5
3500 Hasselt 


by plane

If you are flying in from abroad, it is most convenient to take the plane to Brussels Airport, zaventem. From there you can easily take the train to Hasselt. More info about trainschedules can be found here

by bike

You can park your bike at both the front and back of CCHA without any problems. Please note that these are not guarded.

by public transport


  • Take the IC train to Hasselt

All info and schedules regadering trains to Hasselt can be found here


  • Take the 'Boulevardpendel', stop 'Kunstlaan': monday to friday, 07.30 - 19 h
  • 'lijnbus H1', stop 'Kunstlaan': every 30 minutes. (last bus around 19.20 u)

All info and schedules regarding buses can be found here.

by car

During the duration of the festival (Wednesday 26 February to Thursday 6 March) you can park for free at the Cultuurcentrum car park, regardless of the duration of your visit to the festival. To do this, get a free exit voucher at the cloakroom in CCHA, and insert this voucher into the machine at the barrier when you leave.

On Sundays you can always park for free at the Cultuurcentrum car park.

In case this parking is full, you can park your car in one of the paid parking lots within walking distance:

parking Luikerpoort

parking TT-wijk

parking Dusart

all locations


how important is the indicated age at a performance?

The indicated age has two parts: a number and a +-sign. 

The + indicates that the performance is also intended for adults. This is why we never talk about children's performances, but about family performances or performances for young audiences. That does indicate that these performances are layered and intergenerational.

Based on the developmental stages of a child, creators and companies always specify a minimum age. They rely on scientific insights as well as their own expertise. Of course, every child is unique and certain children are a bit ahead or behind on a certain developmental stage, but we kindly ask to respect the age indication so that the experience of all children is optimal.

can I attend several performances on the same day?

Of course you can! In composing the programme, we make sure that there are daily performances for different ages. In addition, there are a variety of festival activities that are often free.

Should you choose to watch two performances a day with your (grand)children, please plan a break between them. You can either enjoy free activities at the festival or visit 't Theatercafé for some food or drinks. However, always keep in mind the length of the performance and the walking or travel time from one location to another.

If you have a FAMabo, you can add additional performances at reduced price.

where can I purchase tickets?

If you didn't buy tickets in advance, you can still do so during the festival: via our website or at the ticket office in the festival center (CCHA, Kunstlaan 5). This is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and one hour before each evening performance.

You can also purchase tickets at locations outside the festival center, as long as they are available. Payment is preferably by card or smartphone.

We do note that performances are often full in advance and no more tickets are available on the day of the performance. If performances are sold out, you can register on the waiting list and/or come to the performance and hope that some people don't show up. The latter cannot be guaranteed and we remind you that your displacement may be in vain....

are kids allowed to attend a performance alone?

The performances during Krokusfestival are family performances, so intended for (grand)parents and children together. We are particularly convinced that enjoying a performance with different generations has an added value. In addition, it is important that a child feels safe in an environment. We undertake great effort to achieve this, but the presence of (grand)parents or an adult supervisor is essential in this. Therefore, we do not admit children to the performances without an adult supervisor.

what kind of facilities are available at the festival?
  • For food and drinks you can go to 't Theatercafe.
  • You can change your child's diaper in the restrooms.
  • You can use a audio induction loop upon showing your ID.
  • You can use the passenger elevator between meeting rooms 2 and 3 to go to the second floor.
is there an information point at the festival?

In the festival center (CCHA, Kunstlaan) you will find our info desk, close to ticket sales and next to the entrance to 't Theatercafé. There you can contact our festival staff daily from 01.30 to 05.30 p.m. for all information and questions about performances, other activities and exhibitions, locations, age indications and accessibility.

You will also find this information on this website and in our program brochure. This is available at the festival center and at all venues.

If you still want to buy tickets or want to know if there are still tickets available for a certain performance, you can go directly to our ticket sales at the front of the festival center.

at which venues will the festival take place?

accessibility locations

All locations are wheelchair-accessible. 


is it possible to refund or exchange tickets?

Purchased tickets will not be exchanged or refunded except in some exceptional cases where a Theatre voucher will replace your purchased tickets: 

  • in case of cancellation of a performance
  • unexpected, urgent hospitalization (doctor's certificate required)
  • in case of death of the ticket buyer (death certificate required), not in case of death of a family member or relative.

Do you have a ticket for a sold-out performance and are unable to attend? If so, contact We will gladly see if we can make someone on the waiting list happy with your ticket and you will receive a theater voucher worth the same amount.


Buy tickets only through CCHA's official sales channels. CCHA is the only official seller of tickets for performances organized by CCHA. The Law of July 30, 2013 is expressly declared applicable to this sale. Consequently, regulated resale of this ticket even without profit margin is prohibited. Occasional resale with profit margin is also prohibited. Tickets purchased in violation of this prohibition are void. CCHA reserves the right to block tickets purchased in violation of this prohibition and deny the holder of such tickets access to the relevant event.

am I allowed to enter if I'm late?

It can happen that due to various circumstances you are late for the performance. This is inconvenient for you, for the children, for the other spectators and often for the players. 

So the golden advice is: try to be present 20' before the start of the performance. There are plenty of other activities at the festivalcenter.

Spectators who are late, can not enter the venue. At the start we also let in people who are on the waiting list.

If the performance and the hall permit, we will make a small exception to the rule. This never applies to flat-floor venues, stage-on-stage setups or small, special installations for smaller audiences.

Tickets will not be refunded.

house rules

Be sure to keep the following points of interest in mind when visiting the festival. This will ensure that Krokusfestival remains an enjoyable event for everyone!

  • Be sure to arrive on time. It is often not possible to enter once a performance has started.
  • Make a visit to the toilet before the performance, to avoid leaving the performance midway.
  • You can leave your coat/umbrella/backpack in the cloakroom. Our staff will take good care of this.
  • You are not allowed to eat or drink in the theatre halls. You can always do so before or after the performance in 't Theatercafé.
  • Turn your smartphone off or on airplanemode during the performance. Photos can only be taken during the applause.
  • Always pay attention to the age indication of performances and respect them.